If you are planning or just thinking about - fixing or replacing your roof, getting restoration work done on your building, or if you would like to know who to call that can respond to your emergency situation within 5 hours we would like to show you a way that you can have a roofing or building repair experience without the run-around, hassles, budget worries, and surprises that are much too common in our industry.
ScottHoward —
Bright, Inc did work for FlagstarBank in Jackson several times during the 2004year, When called the response was quick and
Quality, pride in workmanship, supplying superior service to meet your needs. These are all traditions that date back to 1879 when James DeForest Candler founded his company. They are traditions that remain foremost in the products and services that we provide in our second century of business.
Katharine Corbit —
Just catered food from Encore here. Great group of real people. Happy to serve them.
We offer top tier services for roofing and our level of commitment when it comes to getting the job done and exceeding client expectations cannot be matched. Over time, our continued dedication and our willingness to put 100% into each project has given us the the opportunity to build life lasting relationships with our clients.